MATRIX—Total results

concepting | photo art direction | pre/post-production

With the knowledge of working on Redken Brand Photoshoots under our belts, the team was brought on to concept and plan for Matrix's 2018 Brand Photoshoot to capture promotional content for 2018-19 launches. From reanimations of existing product lines to new product lines, we created authentic storylines that consumers could connect with that focused on being inclusive to different lifestyles.

Brass Off
Choosing background accents that were not brassy, we told a story of a couple stopping at an Americana gas station during their romantic road trip

So Silver
To show that grey hair can be for all ages, we chose to tell a story of a mother & daughter going shopping together in an antique store filled with silver accents

Mega Sleek
With current affairs speaking towards female power and equality, we wanted to show a strong female in a ring with a supportive male

Keep Me Vivid
We wanted to create the most colorful environment possible, focusing on big personality and fun

Creative Directors: Tyler Ochs & Jordan Craddock | Art Director: Krys Ha | Designer: Tamar Mamaladze | Photographer: Chris Craymer | Set Designer: Todd Wiggins